fredag 14. desember 2012

AGS Juleseminar 2012 presentasjoner

Da kan alle presentasjoner fra årets juleseminar som AGS hadde på Inspiria Science Center lastes ned herfra:

tirsdag 11. desember 2012

Update 1 for Inventor 2013 SP1.1

Update 1 for Inventor 2013 SP1.1  er sluppet og kan lastes ned:


mandag 19. november 2012

Request the features you want with Ideastation

Since joining Autodesk I've been asked a number of times, "When are we going to get this feature....why hasn't that been put into this product.." and the common response I give is "Well have you asked for it?" and usually the answer is no. Although in all fairness it's never really been that obvious how it can be done.

My answer used to be "Please log your request using the product feedback page" ( This is one area that Autodesk Product Managers keep tabs but in all fairness wasn't the easiest page to find.

If you 're a user of the Autodesk forums you may of noticed a change of late, which is the addition of IdeaStations. So you now have a relatively interactive way to log new feature requests. If an idea gets picked up for scoping then you'll see the status change from New Idea to Under Review, Accepted and so more depending on how succesful the request is.

IdeaStations are currently setup for the following applications, click on the links below to view:

Autodesk Factory Design Suite
Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Product Design Suite
Autodesk Vault
Autodesk PLM 360Autodesk Inventor ETO (Engineer-to-Order)


fredag 16. november 2012

Windows 8 Support

FYI, this is the solution that will have a list of of supported Autodesk products when they become supported on Windows 8. Please check back often as we add more products into the matrix:


mandag 12. november 2012

Finn ubrukte filer i Vault 2013

Find Orphaned Files is a quick and easy way to detect files that are not referenced by any other file. In other words, files with no files listed in the “Where Used” tab. To launch the app, just select a folder in Vault, right-click and choose the Find Orphaned Files command.

Vault Workgroup/Collaboration/Professional 2013
Download application
Download Source code

Program by: Jan Liska

onsdag 7. november 2012

Invitasjon til Juleseminar 2012

AGS holder Juleseminar 5. desember på Inspiria Science Center. Klikk her for agenda. Ta kontakt med Elisabeth for påmelding:, eller ring 33291000.

torsdag 18. oktober 2012

Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 1.1

Autodesk har fikset problemet som var med Service Pack 1 til Inventor 2013 og nå sluppet Service Pack 1.1. Her kan du lese Readme og  du kan laste ned Service Packen her.

onsdag 26. september 2012

Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 1

This Service Pack 1 for Autodesk Inventor 2013 and Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 is temporarily unavailable.  It will be replaced shortly with an Updated Service Pack 1.  If you have installed Service Pack 1 already and are experiencing stability issues and would like to remove the Service Pack please follow the uninstall procedures listed in the readme file.  If you choose to keep the Service Pack installed in order to take advantage of the improvements provided, you are welcome to do this.  The Updated Service Pack will install on top of the previous Service Pack or the original release of Inventor 2013.
We would like to thank our customers for the quick feedback that allows us to improve the quality of our product and also apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


tirsdag 25. september 2012

AutoCAD Mechanical 2013 Service Pack 1

Autodesk har sluppet Service Pack 1 til AutoCAD Mechanical 2013. Last ned her. For se hva denne Service Packen inneholder, les Readme.

mandag 24. september 2012

Autodesk Inventor 2013 Service Pack 1

Autodesk har sluppet Service Pack 1 til Inventor 2013. Last ned her. For informasjon om hva den inneholder, les Readme.

fredag 21. september 2012

Support of .NET Framework 4.5 and Vault 2013

Microsoft recently released the version .NET Framework 4.5
At this stage Vault 2013 (Server and Client) and all previous releases of Vault are not supported with .NET Framework 4.5!

Installing of .NET version 4.5 is on your own risk!
We already had reports where Vault didn´t work properly after installing .NET Framework 4.5!



Envisage UK Ltd

When an Inventor model contains configurators such as iLogic, the drawing view scales normally have to be altered such that the updated model views fit the drawing border correctly.

This app allows the user to create ‘viewports’ for drawing views to fit inside, such that when a model alters, that view will auto-scale to within the viewport.

Viewports can be created on Base views, Isometric views and detail scale views.

To create a viewport, click on the “Setup iViews” button (available from the TOOLS ribbon).

You will be presented with an option to “Update this view on save”. If this is ticked then the viewport will auto-scale the view to fit the viewport on drawing save, otherwise selecting one of the two commands “Update sheet” or “Update all sheets” will auto-scale the view to fit the viewport.

Select “continue”, you will then be asked to select the view you wish to attach the viewport to, finally drag a rectangle to create the new viewport window. Once this is done, either save the drawing or click on one of the “Update sheet” buttons to auto-scale the view to this new viewport.

You will notice that the viewport is created as a draft view in the browser, with the same name as the view it is attached to. The “*” at the end of the draft view name means that it will update when a drawing is saved (as per the option dialog selection). If you remove the “*”, then the view will only update on selection of one of the update buttons. The reverse is true.


iViews on Youtube

torsdag 16. august 2012

Update 2 for Inventor 2013

Update 2 for Inventor 2013 er sluppet les Readme for å se hva den inneholder.
Last ned her.

fredag 13. april 2012

Inventor 2012/2013 hjelp tar meg ikke direkte til rett sted!

Inventor 2012/2013 hjelp tar meg ikke direkte til rett sted!

Syns du det er kjedelig at Inventor ikke tar deg direkte til det riktige stede i hjelp når du trykker på F1 på et spesielt sted i en dialogboks? Nå du for eksempel er inne i «Application Options» og er på fanen «Drawing», trykker F1 så blir du tatt til wikihjelp, og da til toppen av hjelp for «Application Options» når du egentlig vil til «Drawing»

For å få det til å virke slik det gjorde tidligere, at du kom direkte til riktig sted, må du først laste ned lokal hjelp herfra. Lagre den under lokasjonen:
C:\Programfiler\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Local Help

__• Finn filen HelpIds.xml, denne ligger på standard lokasjon,
C:\Programfiler\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Bin
• Åpne filen HelpIds.xml I text editor, for eksempel notepad.
• Søk etter «UseOnline», og endre denne verdien til «0», da skal det se slik ut: UseOnline="0"
• Lagre xml filen.

UIempen med dette er at du ikke vil få med deg de oppdateringene av hjelpen som dukker opp på

Are Holand

Free technology preview of Inventor Simplification Now Available

The Shrinkwrap Add-in for Inventor started out as a technology preview on Labs. So when Inventor Product Manager, Garin Gardiner, approached me about a similar technology preview on Labs, I was happy to oblige.

// Download Inventor Simplification Technology Preview via Autodesk Labs

Let's say you have an Inventor Model that you want to bring into Revit. You don't need its internals. Let's say you want to share your Inventor model with a third party but want to remove some of your sensitive intellectual property. Then perhaps this technology preview is for you? Is this the Golden Goose for protecting your IP? Please try it and let us know if we are correct in our thinking. You can contact us at or the discussion forum. We are looking to hear from Inventor 2013 users. Congratulations to Daniel Stockinger who was the first non-Autodesk-employee to download this technology preview.

Simplification is alive in the lab.

Written by Scott Sheppard

tirsdag 28. februar 2012

Updating the Excel table in the drawing

You have inserted an Excel sheet in your drawing from menu Annotate - Table - General

Without closing the drawing file, from Windows Explorer you open, edit the Excel file, close and save it.
In order to update the Excel sheet in the drawing with the changes you have applied without closing and reopening the drawing file, you just need to do the following.
Select the Table in the drawing browser or in the graphic window, right-click, Update.


torsdag 9. februar 2012

Autodesk ForceEffect v2.0 now available

In November last year, Autodesk released a new simulation app for the iPad called ForceEffect, you might remember reading my blog post about it.

Last week, ForceEffect v2.0 was released to the Apple iTunes store for download and update with a number of new features added to the app. The new features include:

- iPod Touch\iPhone Support
- On-line Tutorials
- Distributed Load
- Set Weight
- Construction Line
- Autodesk Cloud Support
- Break Element

The #1 customer request was for the addition to add a distributed load evenly across an existing element and the #2 request was support on the iPhone and iPod Touch devices. ForceEffect v2.0 adds both of the #1 and #2 customer requests!!

The on-line tutorials can be accessed directly from within ForceEffect v2.0 and include videos of how to use the app directly within the app itself - so no need to leave the app watch the videos and learn about it.

Having access to Autodesk Cloud documents directly from within ForceEffect v2.0 means you can save your studies to Autodesk Cloud and access them from your laptop or desktop and re-use the data in your design development using tools like Autodesk Inventor or AutoCAD Mechanical. Alternativley, you can open documents you have saved to Autodesk Could into ForceEffect v2.0 to carry out a structural study.

If you've not yet downloaded Autodesk ForceEffect, it's free and downloadable from the Apple iTunes Store:

Click here to get Autodesk ForceEffect....

If already have ForceEffect installed on your iOS device make sure you update from the App Store.


onsdag 8. februar 2012

Dimension of the internal circle of external threads in views

You have applied an external thread to a cylindrical part.

Then, you create the view of this part displaying and dimensioning the thread, but you want to know how Inventor calculates the dimension of the internal circle of the thread.

The calculation is based on the values in Threads.xls file.

For instance you have applied the ANSI Metric M Profile thread (M50x4, Class 6g) to a cylinder with a diameter D = 50 mm.

In this case the diameter d of the internal circle of the thread in the view is calculated with the formula below.

d = D – [Major Dia Min (column H) – Minor Dia Min (column L)]

That is.

d = 50 mm – [49.465 – 44.642] mm = 45.177 mm

In case you apply a thread and its column L is empty in the Threads.xls file, as, for instance the ANSI Unified Screw Threads and the majority of the Pipe Threads, the diameter d of the internal line of the thread in the view is calculated with the formula below.

d = D – [Major Dia Max (column G) – Minor Dia Max (column K)]
