3D printers let designers make three dimensional objects by just hitting "print" on their computers. New businesses, like custom prostheses, are taking advantage.
onsdag 29. september 2010
fredag 17. september 2010
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 Update 1
As a result of detailed information from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, a number of problems were identified and fixed. Updates have been made in the following commands and features:
2D Display
3D Navigation Tools
Annotation Scaling
Block Editor
Construction Lines
Customize User Interface (CUI)
DGN Support
External References
File Navigation
General UI
Graphic System
Grip Edit
Parametric Drawing
Partial Open
PDF Export
Property Palette
Selection Highlighting
Viewport Scale
torsdag 16. september 2010
How to disable reflections and gradients in shaded views
Link til Autodesk
torsdag 9. september 2010
Autodesk Vault 2011 Update 2
- Writing back the Item Date property to iProperty Date will decrement by a day after every Check In and Update item operation
- Cannot Update AutoCAD Electrical items if a Reference Designator is Mapped
- Unable to write value to some mapped User Defined Properties (UDP) if there are multiple blocks in the drawing
- Copy to custom library in Content Center doesn't work on localized language installs of ADMS
- Certain file update workflows with "Enforce Unique File Names" enabled would result in an error attempting to create visualization file
- Viewing the Re-index Property status from ADMS Console crashes during a Re-index operation
- Vault returns "edited out of turn" and crashes during checkin or checkout
- Install and launch ADMS console then right-click on a Vault from any workgroup will cause crash
- Vault Client returns error message "Value cannot be null.Parameter name: link" during startup
- Crash during SignIn command and ShowMore command
- Getting error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" during Item creation or Item Update
- Item Update command on a newly assigned Item will encounter 1200 error
- The MAPIINSERT command takes a long time for large image files over the network when Vault Client is installed
- Increased number of calls to the server inside Civil 3D 2011 compared with Civil 3D 2010
- Login fails when passing Windows Authentication credentials to the Web Client
- Setting Effectivity is slower in Vault 2011
- No way to get back into Property Reindex dialog after crash in Property Reindex operation
- Change Order grid population is slow in Vault 2011
- Migration failures and errors
- Always auto-assigning User Defined Properties to the Base category during migration
- Grid population is slow, searching is slow
- Incorrect 'NO COUNT' flag on Publisher and Subscriber Workgroups
- Lucene search failures resulting in "error 179: search failed"
- Error message "Error 1200" when Updating Item
- Import of configuration file fails with error 232
- Poor Performance on File Navigation with large number of files
- Rebuilding search indexes event fails with out of memory error
- Check in fails on file when default lifecycle state is Released
- Incorrect impersonated user default setting in Web.Config
- Failure to update ACE item with communication error 1200
- Using specific search critera and wildcards in combination with file Content Indexing results in an error
- Preview of Office files always shows the very first selected one
Last ned her.
onsdag 8. september 2010
AutoCAD 2011 Update 1.1
This is a re-release of Update 1 for AutoCAD 2011. After Update 1 was originally released, we discovered an issue when conducting certain operations that may cause AutoCAD to shut down. Update 1 was subsequently removed to correct the issue and a hotfix was released for those customers who had already applied Update 1. This release of Update 1.1 includes that fix.
Last ned her.