fredag 18. desember 2009

AutoCAD 2010 Free Bonus Tool Drawing Tabs

Autodesk have recompiled the much beloved Drawing Tabs MDITabs.ARX application for both 32bit and 64bit versions of AutoCAD 2010. MDITabs allows you to see and quickly navigate open drawings in a series of tabs along the top of the drawing window.

Last ned her.

Autodesk Inventor 2010 Service Pack 2

Da har Autodesk sluppet service pack 2 til Inventor, gå til Autodesk sine sider for nedlasting.

tirsdag 1. desember 2009

"Autodesk Vault 2010 Update 1" is now available

Please go here to download and install Autodesk Vault 2010 Update 1.

There are two Vault patches to be applied, one to the Server and one to the Client.

Plus TS13733548 for Inventor (included in the download)
In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released Autodesk Vault 2010 Update 1 (Client) and Autodesk Vault 2010 Update 1 (Server) for Autodesk Vault 2010, Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010, Autodesk Vault Collaboration 2010, and Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 which fixes or addresses a variety of issues pertaining to those releases.

fredag 23. oktober 2009

Subscription Advantage Pack for AutoCAD 2010

The AutoCAD 2010 Subscription Advantage pack is now available to AutoCAD subscription members. It delivers a set of key timesaver tools for AutoCAD and AutoCAD software-based products. These tools enable you to work even faster, and with less hassle, than ever before. Easily select and work with objects when editing drawings, increasing your productivity. The Subscription Advantage Pack for AutoCAD 2010 works with:

  • AutoCAD® 2010 
  • AutoCAD® Map 3D 2010 
  • AutoCAD® Mechanical 2010 
  • AutoCAD® P&ID 2010 
  • AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2010 
  • AutoCAD® Structural Detailing 2010

torsdag 22. oktober 2009

Autodesk Announces Support for Windows7

Autodesk Announces Support for Windows 7
Industry-Leading Design, Engineering and Entertainment Software to Be Compatible with Latest Windows Operating System

Download image SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Oct. 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Autodesk, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSK), a leader in 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, has announced support for Windows 7. Effective today, Autodesk will support customers using nine products including AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD LT 2010 and the Autodesk Inventor 2010 family of software, on Windows 7.

"Windows 7 was designed with the customer in mind," said Mark Relph, senior director for Windows Product Management at Microsoft Corp. "We are pleased to have the support of Autodesk to offer our mutual customers an easy way to do the things they want on a PC."

For the 2010 product line, Autodesk will support nine products on Windows 7. These products are Autodesk Inventor 2010, Autodesk Inventor LT 2010, AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD LT 2010, AutoCAD Architecture 2010, AutoCAD Electrical 2010, AutoCAD Mechanical 2010, AutoCAD MEP 2010 and Autodesk Algor Simulation 2010 software. Autodesk will support Windows 7 for most of its other products as updated versions are released.

"Autodesk is committed to delivering software that meets and exceeds our customers' functionality requirements, while providing them the broadest possible choice of operating systems," said Chris Bradshaw, Autodesk chief marketing officer. "Autodesk and Microsoft share a goal of making the tasks our customers perform every day easier and faster. We look forward to extending support for Windows 7 across our portfolio so all our customers can benefit from the improvements in this robust new operating system."

Windows 7 offers many powerful new features and functionality that will benefit Autodesk customers, including full support for 64-bit computing, Windows search and improved performance. Multi-touch support has also become a core capability of Windows 7, and Autodesk is developing new software to take advantage of this technology. At the Windows 7 media launch event, Autodesk will demonstrate Project Cooper, a preview of new technology for simple drawing and drafting that has been engineered to take advantage of the multi-touch capabilities of Windows 7. The Autodesk Project Cooper Technology Preview is now available for free download at

onsdag 21. oktober 2009

Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk Inventor 2010

The Autodesk® Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk® Inventor® 2010 offers new productivity tools, improved support for architectural fabrication, and easier-to-use simulation features. Move beyond 3D to develop complete digital prototypes of your designs.

  • DWG™ Block Browser—Browse for blocks from DWG files and insert them into Autodesk®
  • Inventor® software without having to open a drawing in AutoCAD® software.  
  • Chain Dimensioning—Create chain dimensions more quickly and easily.
  • Multi-View Create—Create multiple views simultaneously. 
  • Architectural View Scale—Display fractional view scales with associative updating. 
  • Materials Assignment for Simulation*—Select components in the Materials Browser and simultaneously change their material properties. 
  • Editable Simulation Reports*—Output simulation results to a single file for editing.  

* Simulation features only available in AutoCAD® Inventor® Simulation Suite and AutoCAD® Inventor® Professional Suite.

Last ned Subscription Advantage Pack her.

Link til video hos Autodesk her.

fredag 16. oktober 2009

Moldflow Technology Preview on Autodesk Labs!

As part of our ongoing efforts to better integrate the Autodesk® Moldflow® products with Inventor and Digital Prototyping workflows, we are pleased to announce the technology preview of a Moldflow AIRLook User Interface on Autodesk Labs.

Integration & Ease of Use

A key goal of AIRLook is to improve the multi-product user experience and facilitate easier migration among Autodesk products. Similar to the Ribbon-style interface of Autodesk® Inventor® 2010, the AIRLook User Interface (UI) provides an intuitive, easy-to-use and task-oriented workflow, both of which combine to improve the overall productivity of the user.

Previews of the updated UI are being made available on Autodesk Labs to solicit feedback from our users and will be available in the following products:

- Autodesk Moldflow Adviser
- Autodesk Moldflow Insight
- Autodesk Moldflow Communicator

With this new UI users can find their favorite tools and commands faster, locate lesser-used tools more efficiently, and discover relevant new features more easily. The result is less time spent searching through menus and toolbars, and more time getting their job done.

This technology preview is currently offered in English only and is available for Autodesk Moldflow Adviser and Autodesk Moldflow Communicator. The Autodesk Moldflow Insight UI preview will be offered in the coming weeks.

Download the UI previews and watch YouTube videos introducing the updated UIs of Moldflow Adviser and Moldflow Communicator.

Link til posten hos Autodesk her.
Link til Autodesk Labs her.

onsdag 7. oktober 2009

tirsdag 22. september 2009

SketchBook Mobile from Autodesk

The Industrial Design (ID) team announced a new SketchBook Mobile app that is available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. If you are the proud owner of an iPhone or Touch, this will be a must have for its impressive sketch tools. This is a professional-grade paint and drawing application for a killer price of 2.99 on the iTunes Store. I personally have been looking forward to something like this on my Touch for some time and will be downloading it as soon as it goes live. If you are interested, take a look at a few of these images and YouTube video then head on over and try it out.

onsdag 2. september 2009

Localizer til AutoCAD Electrical 2010

Hvad er der med I År som der ikke var sidste år?

Mange AutCAD Electrical kunder modtager færdige content databasser fra deres leverandører af El komponenter. De fleste af disse leverandører har lavet deres databasser til PCschematic. Nogle af vores AutoCAD Electrical kunder har også selv skabt Komponent databasser til PC schematic. I Release 2010 af vores Locailizer har vi skabt et værktøj som gør det muligt at impoterer sådan en databasse. Det betyder at vores kunder har mulighed for at anvende det content de måtte ønske.
Sidste år gjorde vi det muligt at importerer projekter fra PCschematic og El Procad, det var kunderne naturligvis meget glade for. Men vi fik den feedback at det importerede data skulle fungerer som om det var skabt i AutoCAD Electrical og ikke som det var skabt i AutoCAD. I år har vi udviklet vores import funktion til også at omfatte dette ønske.

Ta kontakt på 33291020 for mer info og om du ønsker å laste ned tillegget.

fredag 28. august 2009

Autodesk Inventor Suite 2010 SP 1

Autodesk har relansert SP 1 for Autodesk Autocad Inventor 2010 (hele familien omfattes i samme servicepack). Husk og velge SP for 32 eller 64 bit operativsystem.
Du finner de her

fredag 21. august 2009

AutoCAD 2010 service pack 1

Nå har Autodesk sluppet AutoCAD 2010 service pack 1, den kan lastes ned her.

onsdag 12. august 2009

Scale List Cleanup Utility for AutoCAD 2010

Når en fil inneholder veldig mange scales, kan dette gå utover ytelsen på tegningen. Til slutt kan tegningen bli ubrukelig. For å bruke filen må noen scales fjernes. Denne utilityen reparerer filer som er utsatt for dette problemet. 

Link til programmer er her.

tirsdag 11. august 2009


Link til NetView nedlasting ligger her, siden den vanlige linken er nede.

mandag 10. august 2009

Inventor 2010 krasj ved bruk av spacemouse

I Inventor 2010 har noen brukere hatt litt problemer at programmet krasjer ved bruk av spacemouse fra 3dconnexion. Dette har vært et driver problem, dette er nå fikset i en ny versjon av driveren som kan lastes ned fra 3Dconnexions.

Saken ligger også hos Autodesk

Diverse bilder fra Autodesk

Created with flickr slideshow.

mandag 27. juli 2009

Mac-Compatible Products

Autodesk is expanding assistance for Macintosh® users by adding support for Boot Camp for select products in addition to offering native Mac OS products.

Link her

onsdag 8. juli 2009

Kurs med påmeldingsfrist: AutoCAD Electrical 2010, Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe 2010 og Autodesk Inventor Simulation

AutoCAD Electrical 2010 (påmeldingfrist 27.08.09)
Uke 39, dvs. 22.09 - 24.09.2010

Autodesk Inventor Tube&Pipe 2010 (påmeldingsfrist 30.09.2009)
uke 44, dvs. 29.10 - 30.10.2009 Krever gode Inventor kunnskaper)

Vi skal også sette opp et Autodesk Inventor Simulations kurs (FEM-analyse)
Uke 38, dvs. 14.09 - 16.09.2010 (datoen er ikke endelig)

Alle kursene vil kreve et visst antall deltagere for å bli gjennomført, så ikke vent med å melde dere på! Ta kontakt med Reidun tlf. 33291013 eller send henne en mail:

tirsdag 30. juni 2009

Inventor Feature Rename Tool

Det har kommet ny Inventor add-in som er veldig nyttig. Det man får mulighet til med denne add-in er at f.eks. hull som lages i modellen får det samme navnet i modell browsere. Hent add-in som er laget av Allen Gager her.

Se video her:

søndag 14. juni 2009

Autodesk har kommet med en hotfix for Printer og Measure knapper i Vault 2010.

Disse verktøyen var i utgangspunktet tatt bort for at det skulle være større plass til bare å se på filen, men siden mange brukere har savnet disse knappene har det kommet en hotfix for å få dem tilbake. 


torsdag 11. juni 2009

Autodesk Inventor 2010 oppdateringskurs

Uke 25, 18 og 19 juni

Autodesk Inventor 2010 er den største oppgraderingen noensinne siden Inventor ble lansert og inneholder en mengde forbedringer på nesten alle områder. Få med deg disse forbedringene for å få optimalt utbytte av programmet, skaffe ny kunnskap og bli inspirert til å oppnå ønskede mål. Det er viktig å tenke nytt og følge med på den nye utviklingen som oppgraderingen av Inventor gir.

Ring: 33291020, eller send mail til for påmelding.

tirsdag 9. juni 2009

Autodesk Inventor 2010 Simulation

Autodesk Inventor 2010 Sheet Metal Design

Autodesk Inventor 2010 Tube and Pipe Design

Autodesk Plant Animation

Autodesk Inventor Tooling 2010 - MSD

De som har lisens på AutoCAD ® Inventor ® Professional Suite 2010 har nå mulighet til å laste ned Autodesk ® Inventor Tooling 2010.
Dette gir deg mulighet til å skape injeksjons støpeformer og verktøy til plastdetaljer.
Fyll ut formularet under og du kan laste ned Autodesk Inventor Tooling 2010 direkte eller be om en DVD uten ekstra kostnad. Det du trenger er ditt Inventor Professional serienummer.



Created with flickr slideshow.

mandag 8. juni 2009

Easy Tools - Konstruktørens effektiviseringsverktøy levert av AGS as


Basert på feedback fra brukere hele veien i programmeringsprosessen Easy Tools
gir brukeren et ekstremt effektivt verktøysett for bruk av Inventor,
samtidig som det er veldig enkelt i bruk.

“Why make difficult when it can be done easy!”


Autodesk Showcase 2010 Product Overview

Save time and money by making informed design decisions on 3D digital prototypes. Autodesk® Showcase® visualization software enables you to create accurate, highly realistic imagery from 3D CAD data to communicate form and brand character.

Present and review multiple design variations in context, accurately conveying real-world materials, lighting, and environments. With Autodesk Showcase visualization software, team members can make reliable decisions locally and via remote sessions. The result is an efficient, economical design review process.

View the Showcase Image Gallery 

Showcase 2010 Product overview 


AGS as

Mechanical Team

Inventor iLogic

iCopy for Inventor

iCopy for Inventor technology preview on the Autodesk Labs site. You can download it at

iCopy Autodesk

This update adds support for Inventor 2009 as well as corrects some install issues. The original preview only supported 2010.

Fusion Technology

Fusion Technology Preview is Live!

Autodesk® Inventor® Fusion Technology Preview showcases intuitive direct manipulation capabilities for unrivaled ease of use, direct modeling for rapid design changes without limitations, and unites direct and parametric workflows with a single digital model. Inventor Fusion Technology Preview is innovative new Digital Prototyping technology that is changing the way people think about their 3D mechanical design software.

Link til Autodesk
